Sunday, May 06, 2007


And now I can confirm we are trully back. I've gotten up ready to get a kick out of life. The lips (the upper ones) are back to normal size lakini hard like a goat's hide. Any suggestions on how to get them back to kissable soft? Any volunteers to test them (mhmm, where is argh).

But I am excited because:

1. My sick pal is getting out of it. She walked a distance jana and smiled and cooked and...well, she's back.

2. Spiderman 3

If you havent watched this movie yet and still intend to - close this window. Close it now. You have been warned.

I caught Spiderman 3 on premier night. I am a Spiderman lunatic - actually I am an action-figure movie junkie but I have been hooked on Spidey ever since that first upside down kiss (Mr. Ichiena-to-be had better have some upside-down moves up his sleeves). And it delivered. Mhmmmmm.
- Best line:
"That's not the position I hired you for"

- Funniest scene:
1. Spidey dancing after shopping spree.
2. The proposal that never was. I almost rolled out of my seat.

- Huuuh? Moments:
1. Sandman going off scot free? Now how.
2. Harry survived an explosion?
3. And still on dude - his face didnt heal fast despite his powers?
4. All it took was a butler(???) to change destiny?

- Yawn moments:
1. Dude taking forever to die despite explosions, turning good, yadayada...
2. The seductive dance - Tobey has one left foot. And no other foot. Like watching a bad episode of Dancing with the Stars. Yuck.

- Sad moments:
1. Sandman discovering he's sand; dude trying to get up....sniff sniff.
2. They trashed the sacred kiss - how could they. All I could do not to stomp off. Men are all the same; even Spidey!

- The end (Go watch the movie, or wait for your usual spoiler, hehehe) Wacha the experts do their review.

Nevertheless, it was a feel good movie - it delivered. I didn't walk out feeling cheated (Alexander the Great!!!). But still I did not feel an irresistible urge to clap like I did in Pirates 2, so let's wait for 24th for the final verdict between Spidey and Captain Jack.

3. It's May - movie month my dears. First Spiderman 3 has kicked it off well enough. Now looking forward to Pirates 3, Shrek 3 (I think I have watched the first one 5 times if not more), Simpsons, Fantastic 4, Harry Potter (shudddup you!), Bourne Ultimatum, Transfomers, Oceans 13, bliss I tell ya. Pure bliss.

4. Buggering off to Champara - the land of bananas - in the course of this month. Any opportunity to travel far and wide I love, love, love.

5. Yaani I love lists, I wikipediad it! So, does this mean I am subconsiously managing time?

OK, I have reached End of Thinking Capacity and all the wonderful things I wanted to write on have gone out of my head. I wish me a good week - after missing work for one week...the boss will be happy to see me.

Talking Parrots
A lady approaches her priest and tells him "Father, I have a problem. I have two female talking parrots,but they only know how to say one thing."

"What do they say?" the priest inquired.

"They only know how to say, 'Hi, we're prostitutes. Want to have some fun?'"

"That's terrible!" the priest exclaimed, "but I have a solution to your problem. Bring your two female parrots over to my house and I will put them with my two male talking parrots whom I taught to pray and read the bible. My parrots will teach your parrots to stop saying that terrible phrase and your female parrots will learn the joys of praise and worship."

"Thank you!" the woman responded. The next day the woman brings her female parrots to the priest's house. His two male parrots are holding the rosary beads and praying in their cage. The lady puts her two female parrots in with the male parrots and the female parrots say "Hi we're prostitutes, want to have some fun?"

One male parrot looks over at the other male parrot and exclaims, "Put the beads away, brother. Our prayers have been answered!"


Anonymous said...

Hello! Glad you are back, mostly intact. Hehehhe! Champara eh? Hmmmm! And those parrots, heheheheh, tsk tsk!

Archer said...

LOL @ "the lips...(the upper ones)"

of the movies coming out this month I'd only be interested in watching Bourne Ultimatum & Oceans 13.

Sasa wewe, si we do a lil' experiment on you since you're going to Champara? Let's see if what they say about matooke is really true. Go indulge then we see if the diab grows any bigger, ama?

Those parrots....!!

jm said...

Put me on the waiting list for the experiment ... am sure your inbox is full of requests ... I have attached my resume ... thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Unknown said...

Good for that your lips are back to normal.
Watched Spiderman 3 over the weekend. The special effects were awesome and the movie was enjoyable. Had a few Huh! moments on the story line but I guess that won't stop it making big money. I think Pirates 3 will be the big one this year.

Half 'n' half said...

No spidey for me EVER! so no comment of SPM3

LOL on parrots (poor father!)

good that lips are back to normal! Have a great week

Ichiena said...

@Methu: Hala? Kuliendaje tena?

@Archer: Dearie, go watch Pirates. You will end up looking up 1 and 2 as well. My toosh is a non-starter; hata siwezi kuthubutu testing it. Nothing has had any effect for years so I gave up.

@Mwangi: CV did not get here, LOL.

@NusuNusu: Come oooon, you know you want to. Nobody's watching...just try it out, hehehe. The lips by the way have turned black. I kept being asked in the office if I had put on black lipstick (as if!). I figured no one was brave enough to ask if I had taken up smoking, LOL.

egm said...

I wasn't planning on watching SP3, lakini when I was given the chance to see it on a giant IMAX theater screen, I figured I'll go for it. Might head out to see it kesho. I watched SP2 on such a screen, and it was mind blowing!

As for lips, good it's healed some.

Jienjoy Champara kabisa for some of us that would like to be there but can't!

Anonymous said...

Arghhhhhh u have spoilt Spider man 3 for mwa (am kinda guy who daint heed to warnings).... lakini bado nitaiwatch.

Anonymous said...

that's one content mama...

spidey was deadly to death i LOVE spidey. na shrek? eish, i've watched it as many as fifty times...okay i exaggerate...49 times.

now harry pointie said...NEVER!

enda ug, jienjoy kabisa...don't hold na kula hizo mandinyo kisha upost mbisha...hehe

Spidey/Tato said...

You all non believers go and watch Spidey

Did someone mention harry potter
it looks darker...but so was the last one and it didnt do it for me,

and they way he has aged am surprised its not called Mr Harry Potter;and the OLDER phoenix

ha ha ha
i got jokes!

Ichiena said...

@EGM: (Ha, haven't used that tag for so long it felt foreign, LOL). IMAX, hey? Now you are just flossing haki. Let me know how the movie turns out for you, IMAX or not.

@Inexes: Nooow, when i write, "You have been warned..." Then don't go to Tato's pos- oooops!

@dooaz: Wasssup. Hali ya maisha - been a while. Let me see if I can get a collection of pics like yours lakini mine is half work - as in...B.O.R.I.N.G.

@Tato: Leave Harry alone - y'll non-readers don't understand the magic. It's like akina LOTR - once you read you want to see if someone else had the same vision as you. HP seems to have turned the bend with the last instalment; staying true to the book.

Unyc said...

Hey sis, I havt watched Spidey 3.With the dent in my pocket i might as well wait for 100 bob dvd's.
U r going 2 champara...lucky u. Veneye i had pangad ati May i'll go lakini wapi. Need 2 sort my self out kikazi then go there.
Have fun for me gal.

Anonymous said...

Ichiena, R u a dude or chiile? Sis?

egm said...

Inexes, how can Mama Boi be a dude? Unless someone duped me when I married her! Lakini I don't see how we could have gotten Boi and his sis if that was the case! :)

Chatterly said...

Good to hear your UPPER lips are gettin better! Those parrots are twisted LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Im laughin hard at two things..first the sacriligious (sp) joke about the two parrots...and them "full" lips U have...well the second one is more "like laughin with you and not at you"

Well, Im hopin by now the swellin has gone down - word from wise my friend - dont make out with a're bound to end up with "full lips"

Ichiena said...

@SmallSis: It's how umedisappear hivyo? Ouch - and venye I was in a treating mode but got turned down by would-be-beneficiaries! Next time another Spidey movie, hehehe, comes along you will be tafutwad, cool?

@Inexes: Sijui niseme, sijui niseme...

@Baba Boi: "It wasn't me!". But there are explanations for everything - even kids, hehehe.

@Chatterly: Thank you dear.

@Mrs A: Go oooon, you admit it - you are laughing AT me. Go ooon. The funniest thing was someone told /lied to me ati I look exotic! Probably he had in mind those black characters in Asterix, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ichiena hata mimi sijui niseme.... now thats settled & akward stage is over si we catch up some more over kahawa hivi...?

egm, haki i have always thought Ichiena was a dude.... LOL, i have image(s)in my head of all bloggers i randomly visit....want your description...?

Milonare said...

I can exchange remedy for hard lips with digits in Kericho hata kama ni Unda18!!! ROTFLMAO...

egm said...

@Inexes, guilty as charged! I do the same thing too, trying to figure out what a blogger looks like based on their writings. As for your image of me, I say bring it on! :)

Ichiena said...

@Inexes: Yaani you have made my week and you just inspired a post! Hiyo ya kahawa, mail me.

@Milo:Expend your excess chakra on chunaing tea or something. (Kwanza hebu you bring me fresh tea leaves). Digits za onda18 nimekataa - though i could be bribed and no, tea leaves will not apply here, LOL.

@Baba Boi: Remember my original impression of you! And yours of me...hahaha.

with the ....

Anonymous said...

Here is a volunteer PIcCK ME PICK ME!