Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jigging: "Twisting, jumping, squatting, shaking, "

Oooops! Caught again. Sorry -! Wait. I can explain.

There IS a perfectly good explanation. I give you my word.

Look. At least let me explain, ok?

Thanks you. I'm sure it will all make sense.

Well, see the thing is...erm. I am happy. I am so happy excited elated exhilerated -I couldn't help myself. What you just saw was me expressing my joy - I had to dance (and this is no time to start pointing out ati I cannot dance!). I just got carried away.

Yes, I am sorry. I did not know I was shouting as well.

And I am indeed sorry. I may never do it in the office again.

And yes, I am sorry about the PC. I really didnt think it would break if I kicked it, after all it was all in the moment.


People, the Holidays are upon us! I funga kazi today! (Not tomorrow, or the day after, or at 6pm, 7pm...naaaw). Today 5pm I cover that PC and I am gone for a two week break! No more ungrateful bosses! No more impossible deadlines! No more waking up at 7am! No more brain wracking sessions. No more annoying clueless clients (I'm humming No more shopping sprees). It is over and out!

So with that, er...
Happy Christmas and a Merry Year New - no, wait...
Merry Happy and New Chris - no, that's not it...
Happy Year and Christmas Merry New -arghh!
Christmas New and a Merry Happy Year -
WTF! You know what I mean...hehehe....Enjoy.


John hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of my life, between the legs of my
wife!!" That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night!

He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the best toast of the night." She said, "What was your toast?" John said, "Here's to spending the rest of my life, sitting in church beside my wife."

"Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!" Mary said. The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, "John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary."

She said, "He told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he's only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come! "


Anonymous said...

First! Eat my dust!

ROTFL Chick, the poor computer. I will so kill you since i am officially working through to the new year!

Na that dooode John....nampenda John.. oops i digress..that joke always cracks me up.

egm said...

Welcome to the land of bliss! Been keeping your spot warm tangu Friday, so feel free to kick off your shoes and chill in full relaxation mode!

Poor John! Karma came round real fast, eh?

gishungwa said...

John, john john never learns huh!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I know what you mean....

Happy Holidays to you too!

WanjaKihii the tomboy said...

Happy Happy Holidays
Time to fatten up!

Unknown said...

Haopy Holidays...kula some utura for me will ya ?
Hahahahahha John got busted ...funny !

continuation coming soon...before U sent the hound dogs on me Ichiena...tihihi

Ichiena said...

@Aegeus: Well guess who's laughing. Get back to work!!

@egm: And now it's time to really appreciate that music. It sounds even better were that possible.

@prousette: Happy hols to you too dear.

@Gish: Tumkalishe chini tumCHape! Ama?

@Mocha: Thanks. I am even tempted to jump that train.

@1/2 N 1/2: I dont! Hehehehe. Anyway, glad to know you actually landed safe and sound back in the world of plenty of food and drink.

@Wanja: Now you, I owe biiiig time. And i do intend to fatten up. I want manyake. Watch this space.

@Ndevious: Indeed you are! How did you sneak in! Ati I am trying to "converse" then i see an added comment! He! Let me retrieve that Terrier I had sent for.

Don_quixote said...

Poor john i can just imagine the laughter that will excude from the bar once he walks in!!!

X mass New Merry year to you to hun.

@Aegeus am so with you on the envy thing, how dare she?????

Princess said...

Have a great holiday season and enjoy your time off!! That joke was just too had me laughing my head off!!

Ichiena said...

@don: I DARE! Bweheheheh. But irony is that today 5am, all sleep was gone. I have been awake since then doing my filing!

@Princess: Happy Hols to you too - kwanza you already had yours if i remember. Now i am envious...hehehe..

Don_quixote said...

LOL thats the human body for routine routine you do for a while and it gets used to it. HEHEHE KARMA sio now look who is bila sleep after making some of us the unatural colour of green.

Chatterly said...

I'm just staring at the clock waiting for 5 oclock so that i can shoot out of that door like a bullet:-)

john john john - funny one that:-)

merry christmas to you too!

Ichiena said...

@don: hurrumph!

@chatterly: to you too dear. and dont anything i wouldn't do - we want you back in one piece next year.